Our Services
Your business, while possibly being similar to many others, is still unique because of who runs it and who works there. Because every person is different, it makes sense that your liability insurance should also be different from the cookie-cutter approach that others use. Every provider’s malpractice exposure is unique so your insurance coverage should be as well. Let us help you build a package policy today!
Cyber Liability Insurance?
Technology coverage for your practice and patient’s information protects you in the event of a cyber breach. If your business ever got hacked and your patient’s personal health information or personally identifiable information ever got out, you would be liable for not protecting that information enough. While taking the best steps to protect that information, Cyber Liability Insurance is another piece that protects your business if that breach happens.
Employment Practices Liability Insurance
The number of lawsuits filed by employees against their employers has been rising. While you do your best to ensure that your managers and employees follow the right rules to minimize problems, you should still be ready for when, not if, an employee brings a lawsuit. Coverage is specifically designed to protect you as the employer against employees claiming wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, and much more.
Business Owner's Policy
Customizable coverage for your actual practice office property -both as a structured unit and interior contents- in the event you are affected by a named storm or covered peril. General liability coverage for a patient’s slip, trip, or fall at your location. Business Interruption insurance replacing lost income due to a covered peril. Advertising injury, defective products, and much more.
Medical Defense Insurance
Patients are not the only people who can bring a claim against you. Medical professionals also need to be prepared against a wide variety of administrative and government entities that would file a lawsuit. Coverage to pay for your defense because of any 3rd party payer, government or even hospital claims filed against you.
Medical Directorship Insurance
This type of insurance has been a rapidly growing area. This insurance fills the gap that most medical malpractice insurance policies do NOT address. This insurance is meant for covering any errors or omissions that are made while performing Medical Director duties. Coverage for your Medical Director duties for your work at nursing homes, not-for-profit clinics, and any medical clinics that are not owned by you to name a few.
Billing Errors & Omissions
Billing Errors & Omissions coverage has had significant growth in interest because of the methods that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have employed in auditing past medical billing records. This insurance will kick into effect when you receive a letter from the government or commercial payer alledging that billing errors happened and you owe restitution. E&O coverage is specifically designed to defend you against any billing-related issues including audits and investigations.
Directors and Officers Liability
Coverage for individual members on a Board of Directors for any type of healthcare entity. It is protection against personal losses in a suit levied against the individual for activities and duties they participated in as a board member.
These additional coverages can be purchased singularly or bundled together with your malpractice insurance depending on your specific needs and exposure.